A full report is sent to you within three weeks of the assessment. The report will include information about tests that were used, results, conclusions, and recommendations for supporting your child. The aim of the report is to give you, the parents, and any other adults working with your child, information and advice that will enhance the understanding of your child’s strengths and needs in order to support their ongoing development.
Preparing a Child for an Assessment
Having an assessment with an EP/SLT/OT should be a pleasant event in a child’s life. Here are some tips to help ensure a good assessment experience:
Find out as much as you can about the assessment procedure in advance. The more informed you are the more relaxed you will be and this will be beneficial to the child.
Be as honest and frank as you can. For example tell the child why you are visiting an EP because they have some difficulty with reading, writing, spelling, maths, etc. “You find reading a bit hard and the person we are going to see is going to play some games with you to look at how you think and problem solve and to find out how we can help you at school and home to improve in reading”.
Explain what the EP/SLT/OT will do, i.e. they will talk to the child about school, ask questions, do certain tasks like jigsaws, finding missing parts, do some reading and spelling.
Be clear that this is not an exam and the child cannot fail. For example the EP will be interested in finding out how the child thinks and learns. The SLT will be interested in their play skills or how they understand visually presented information.
Tell your child where you are going, at what time and how long it will take.
Try to ensure that the child is well rested.
Bring a nutritious snack if necessary. We do have snacks in our office
If a child is reluctant to come it is okay to build in a little treat afterwards.