Our Services


What is ADHD?
Understanding ADHD: ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It’s a condition that affects the brain’s development and can make it challenging for individuals to focus and sit still. It’s a common condition that can impact both children and adults, and with appropriate support, individuals with ADHD can lead fulfilling lives.

Let’s dive into the details of ADHD, how it works, and how it can affect your child’s daily life. We’re here to support you or your loved one in finding ways to do well, even when dealing with ADHD challenges.

What signs might be seen in my child?
Spotting the Signs: ADHD can show up in different ways, and knowing the common signs is crucial for early detection and management. Although symptoms can differ from child to child, typical symptoms include:

Academic Challenges at School:

Task completion, organisation, and instruction - following problems in school

Difficulty with Relationships:

Communication and social cues challenges affect relationships.

Difficulty Paying Attention:

Easily distracted, struggles to maintain focus on tasks.

Impulsivity and Potential Outbursts:

Acts impulsively, struggles managing emotions, occasional outbursts.


Fidgety, restlessly active, difficulty remaining still.

Poor Organisational Skills:

Struggles with organisation, time management, maintaining tidy space.

Decision - Making Difficulties:

Trouble deciding, often indecisive or changes mind frequently.


Frequently loses or forgets essential items/tasks.

Concerned about your child ?

Starting Early for a Better Tomorrow

ADHD persists throughout life, but early intervention is pivotal. Addressing ADHD in childhood offers a brighter future. Early treatment not only tackles current challenges but also lays the foundation for academic success and strong friendships.

Schedule an initial £50 consultation with our consultants. This will enable us to gain a comprehensive understanding of your child’s unique needs and recommend an assessment plan.

What does an assessment involve?

According to NICE Guidelines a diagnosis of ADHD should only be made by a specialist psychiatrist, paediatrician or other appropriately qualified healthcare professional with training and expertise in the diagnosis of ADHD. Here at The Evolving Mind clinic, we have Consultant Paediatricians who can formally diagnose ADHD, in line with NICE guidelines.

The process of diagnosis at The Evolving Mind Clinic will include:

What does an assessment involve?

According to NICE Guidelines a diagnosis of ADHD should only be made by a specialist psychiatrist, paediatrician or other appropriately qualified healthcare professional with training and expertise in the diagnosis of ADHD. Here at The Evolving Mind clinic, we have Consultant Paediatricians who can formally diagnose ADHD, in line with NICE guidelines.

The process of diagnosis at The Evolving Mind Clinic will include:

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What ongoing support we offer

Following an assessment, recommendations will be made about what further support could be offered. This may involve…

Counselling Psychotherapist

If there are challenges that the child or young person is facing which may require some further counselling. This may include supporting thought processes to make decisions less impulsive.

Educational Psychologist

If there are struggles in school an assessment by an Educational Psychologist would be able to give advice on the support school should be providing.

Educational Consultants

If a child isn’t progressing at school as expected, an Education, Health and Care Plan Assessment might be necessary, though most diagnosed children thrive with existing school resources. If you’re concerned, we’re available to discuss this process.

Speech and Language Therapist

If there are concerns with social communication or speech and language delays.

Occupational Therapist

If there are sensory challenges that need to be addressed.

Need more support? Check out the other services we offer >


Autism spectrum disorder includes conditions like impacting social information processing, communication, and interaction. It’s prevalent in both children and adults, presenting unique challenges. However, with appropriate support and interventions, individuals with Autism can lead rewarding lives.

Let’s dive into the details of Autism, how it works, and how it can affect your child’s daily life. We’re here to support you or your loved one in finding ways to do well, even when dealing with Autism challenges.

What signs might be seen in my child?

Autism can show up in different ways, and knowing the common signs is crucial for early detection and management. The traits of Autism can be particularly subtle in girls as they are often good at copying social cues and masking. Symptoms can differ from child to child, typical symptoms include:

Social Interaction Challenges:

Difficulty interpreting and engaging in social interactions.

Routine Rigidity:

Strong preference for strict, unchanging routines.

Sensory Sensitivities:

Heightened sensitivity or aversion to specific sensory stimuli.

Special Interests:

Intense focus on particular topics or activities.

Nonverbal Communication Difficulty:

Challenges understanding body language cues.

Literal Understanding:

Struggles interpreting non - literal or metaphorical language.

Repetitive Behaviours:

Engages in repetitive, movements or actions.

Concerned about your child ?

Starting Early for a Better Tomorrow

Autism persists throughout life, but early intervention is pivotal. Identifying Autism in childhood offers a brighter future. Early diagnosis not only tackles current challenges but also lays the foundation for improved social connections and personal growth.

Schedule an initial £50 consultation with our consultants. This will enable us to gain a comprehensive understanding of your child’s unique needs.

What does an assessment involve?

According to NICE Guidelines a diagnosis of ASD should be made within certain guidelines and include certain assessments. At The Evolving Mind Clinic this will include the following:

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What ongoing support we offer

Following an assessment, recommendations will be made about what further support could be offered. This may involve…

Counselling Psychotherapist

If there are challenges that the child or young person is facing which may require some further counselling. This may include supporting thought processes to make decisions less impulsive.

Educational Psychologist

If there are struggles in school an assessment by an Educational Psychologist would be able to give advice on the support school should be providing.

Educational Consultants

If a child isn’t progressing at school as expected, an Education, Health and Care Plan Assessment might be necessary, though most diagnosed children thrive with existing school resources. If you’re concerned, we’re available to discuss this process.

Speech and Language Therapist

If there are concerns with social communication or speech and language delays.

Occupational Therapist

If there are sensory challenges that need to be addressed.

Need more support? Check out the other services we offer >

What is Dyslexia?

Understanding Dyslexia: What You Need to Know
Dyslexia is a term used to describe a specific learning difference. It affects the way the brain processes language, making it challenging for individuals to read, write, and spell. Dyslexia is common and can impact both children and adults. With the right support and interventions, individuals with dyslexia can lead successful lives.

Let’s dive into the details of Dyslexia, how it works, and how it can affect your child’s daily life. We’re here to support you or your loved one in finding ways to do well, even when dealing with Dyslexia challenges.

What signs might be seen in my child?

Spotting the Signs of Dyslexia – Dyslexia can show up in different ways, and knowing the common signs is crucial for early detection and management. Although symptoms can differ from child to child, typical symptoms include:

Reading and Writing Challenges:

Difficulty with reading and writing tasks.

Miscommunication in Relationships:

Communication issues and difficulty with social cues.

Attention and Focus Struggles:

Easily distracted and maintaining focus is tough.

Impulsivity and Emotional Management:

Acts impulsively, struggles to manage emotions effectively.

Restlessness or Difficulty Sitting Still:

Restless and has trouble staying still.

Organisational Difficulties:

Struggles with organisation and time management

Decision - Making Challenges:

Trouble making decisions and often indecisive

Forgetfulness with Tasks or Items:

Frequently forgets or misplaces essential items or tasks.

Concerned about your child ?

Starting Early for a Better Tomorrow

Dyslexia persists throughout life, but early intervention is pivotal. Addressing Dyslexia in childhood offers a brighter future. Early diagnosis not only tackles current challenges but also lays the foundation for improved reading skills and enhanced social connections.

Schedule an initial £50 consultation with our consultants. This will enable us to gain a comprehensive understanding of your child’s unique needs and recommend an assessment plan.

What does an assessment involve?

At The Evolving Mind Clinic this will include the following:

Need more support? Check out the other services we offer >

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