Terms and Conditions

Please read the information in this document carefully before accessing or using our website. By
accessing and/or using our website, you agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions (henceforth
T&Cs) set out below. If you do not wish to be bound by these T&Cs, you may not access or use our site.

Please note that any information in the T&Cs should not be taken as medical advice; you should liaise
with the relevant healthcare professionals and follow any and all advice they provide.

We reserve the right to amend and/or update this document as necessary. If you have any questions,
please contact the clinic. Our contact details are 01344 292 292.


Us/We/The Company/The Business/The Evolving Mind: The Peaceful Evolving Mind LTD
Business Day: a day other than a Sunday or public holiday in England when the banks are open for

Fees: Monies paid by you (the client) to us for our services.

Client: Any person who accesses our services.

Services: Any and all time, resources, or advice devoted to you by us.

Services and fees

Fees must be paid in advance. We reserve the right to withdraw our service and consider further
action if fees are not paid in advance. For an ADHD, ASD, Combined ADHD/ASD, or Educational
Psychologist assessment we require an initial downpayment of £500 to secure your booking.

Our services do not cover medicolegal work. If you need to use any of the material we have provided
you in medicolegal work please contact the clinic manager who will discuss this with you on a case-bycase basis.

Therapy sessions last for a maximum of one (1) hour; this may include direct work with you or your
child as well as the writing up of notes.

We have multiple professional services and the fees for each service is available upon request from the
reception. The fees we charge are a reflection of the skill, training, and professionalism of our staff. Please note that payment for a service does not guarantee a diagnosis.

Appointments cancelled with less than one (1) business day’s-notice will typically be charged at 50%.
However, we recognise that due to the nature of our clientele, unforeseen circumstance may prevent a child attending the session. We therefore ask all parents/carers to contact us as soon as possible if
they cannot attend the appointment, even if this is within the immediate 24hour period prior to the
appointment, and we will consider waiving the 50% cancellation fee on a case-by-case basis. A “lastminute” postponement of a session would not be considered a cancellation. An appointment cancellation will be confirmed in writing by us; if you do not receive the written confirmation please assume we are not aware of your cancellation.

Non-attendance at a session will be charged at the full rate. This includes, but is not limited to, the
following: If your child is not at school when we arrive; if you fail to attend the session; not joining an
online call.

The Clinic

The clinic is open Monday to Friday 9:00-19:00. However, at the clinic manager’s discretion, and subject
to clinician availability, we may occasionally open on weekends. Please note that this will be on a caseby-case basis. We are closed on public holidays and the week of Royal Ascot Races. Opening hours may differ over the Christmas to New Year period.

Data Protection

The Evolving Mind Clinic is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

Records management: The clinic manager is the assigned lead responsible for records management.
They have the appropriate skill to coordinate records management within our business. As part of this
role, the clinic manager will carry out regular exercises to identify, assess, and manage the risk to record
management, either through directing a member of staff to do this on their behalf or carrying the
assessment out themselves. Additional, periodic checks will be carried out by clinic staff to ensure we are in compliance with records management procedures. All staff are required to undergo GDPR
training as part of their induction.

Records creation and maintenance: The business has in place a minimum set of standards for the
referencing, titling, and indexing of records. A “Security Classification” scheme to demark and classify
sensitivity of new records. Emails, although often perceived differently to other documents, also contain sensitive information, and therefore we will treat these as we would other documents. We will conduct regular audits to ensure that the records we maintain are stored securely and appropriately. We endeavour to keep accurate, contemporary records; however, sometimes we may fall short of this. We will therefore send reports to you in draft form for you to refer to and request a change to any inaccurate “factual” information; please note, this does not mean that we will change diagnoses,
recommendations, or our professionall observations unless we feel there is clinical evidence for
doing so.

Tracking and storage: In the event that one of our clinicians needs to take personal records offsite (for
example, to a school), we have procedures in place to ensure we know where the records are being
taken and who is holding them; this is so that we can recover them if anything untoward were to occur.
Any emails that include sensitive or personal data being sent outside The Evolving Mind will be sent
securely. Personal details, case notes, and correspondence are stored on password-protected
Electronic Patient Record Systems (EPR) software that we use to maintain our records, or in secured
files, in line with GDPR. We do use some paper-based filing systems; these are secured in accordance
with GDPR.

Access of Records: Company policy is that records are only accessed by clinicians and staff members
actively involved with the child (for example, the Mental Health Counsellor would not access records
for a child with no mental health needs). In line with the UK Government Records Management Code of Practice, we will retain all records until the child’s 25th birthday (or 26th, if treatment ended after the age of 17). After this, the information will be disposed of securely in line with GDPR.

If you would like to access your child’s records, please make a Subject Access Request (SAR) in writing. Our data protection lead will then double check your identity (this is to ensure we only disclose
information to those with legal guardianship). In most cases, if the child is over the age of 12 years we
need to have their permission before we disclose their data (although there are exceptions to this, so
each decision will be a case-by-case basis). Once the request has been validated, we must send you
the data within one calendar month (i.e. if you request the data on Saturday the 5th March, we have
until the 5th April to respond; the exception being is the due date falls on a public holiday or weekend,
in which case we have until the next working day). In complex cases we may require an additional two
calendar months.


Please see our Safeguarding Policy for further information.
Complaints and Feedback
We strive to provide the best possible service to our clients; however, we understand that sometimes
you may feel we fall short of your expectations. If this is the case, and you would like to raise a
complaint and/or provide feedback, we ask that you put your comments in writing and address them
to the Company Director. If you are seeking an actionable outcome, we request that you include this
in your complaint/feedback. This can either be done through a physical letter or through email
info@theevolvingmind.co.uk. We aim to respond within ten working days but please allow up to
twenty-eight working days.

While we respect your right to raise complaints and feedback, we take a zero-tolerance approach
against any forms of abuse, violence, harassment, or aggression directed towards our staff. We reserve
the right to end communications, and seek possible legal/police support, if we feel complaints pose a
threat to staff or the business.

Reviewed: August 2024

Next Review Date: December 2024

The Evolving Mind

Kingswick House, Kingswick Road, Sunninghill, Berks. SL5 8LA
01344 292292



The Evolving Mind is the trading name of Peaceful Evolving Mind Limited

Company no. 14944689

Ref Address: Kenton House, Oxford Street, Moreton-on-Marsh, Gloucestershire. GL56 0LA